6-Point temperature indicators are available in nippon 1016. Six point selection switch is available to select the channels. The selector switch is heavy duty & zero contact resistance.

  • Highly accurate & reliable
  • Glass Epoxy single board design
  • Thermocouples, RTD's & other inputs
  • Wide temperature range
  • Specifications

Table A :

Model No. Sensor Range Calibration accuracy Resolution ºC / ºF
nippon 1010A Pt-100 (2,3 wire) -100.0 to 600.0 ºC - 148.0 to 1112.0 ºF 0.25% 0.1
nippon 1010 Pt-100 -100.0 to 199.9 ºC - 148.0 to 199.9 ºF 0.25% 0.1
nippon 1010 Pt-100 -100.0 to 600.0 ºC - 148.0 to 1112.0 ºF 0.25% 1
nippon 1010 Iron / Constantan (J) -100.0 to 600.0 ºC - 148.0 to 1112.0 ºF 0.1% 1
nippon 1010 Chrome / Alumel (K) -80.0 to 1200.0 ºC - 112.0 to 1999.0 ºF 0.7% 1
nippon 1010 Pt / Rh (R, S) -900.0 to 1600.0 ºC - 1652.0 to 1999.0 ºF 0.5% 1

Specific :

Principle Input suitably signal conditioned, amplified, linearised as required and displayed.
Inputs J, K,R,S,T and other thermocouples, R.T.D.’s like Pt-50, Pt-100 (2,3 wire), 4-20mA, 0-1 VDC ......etc....
Range, Accuracy Resolution Refer Table - A
Cold Junction  Compensation Automatic
Sensor Open Display indicates “1”
Display 31/2 digit bright L.E.D. (.5”) in nippon 1010 41/2 digit bright L.E.D. (.5”) in nippon 1010A.
Ambient Temperature 0-55 ºC
Humidity 95% RH
Supply Voltage 230 VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, also available 90-260 VAC on request.
Box Size 48H X 96W X 180D in mm 1/8 DIN size (72W X 72H also available)