The PTXM Series is Multiple Loop Powered Temperature Transmitter. The device supports different input sors RTD PT100 & PT1000 and thermocouples (J type & K type). The selection of input sensor device can be configured through RS845 link from the PC side application.

The PC side application would help the user to configure the device for particular range of input as well as range of current. The application reads the temperature from the device as well. The device transmits the read temperature and current output value to the application.

  • Specifications
Pt-100 thermocouple J & K type.
Range For PT 100 -200 to +800. J type 0 to 600o C K type 0 to 1200o C
Output 4-20mA dc current output
Accuracy Linearity Better than ±1 %
Supply 18V to 36V DC supply.
Design Micro Controller based, sturdy and accurate.
Operating Temperature -40o C to + 85o C
Fault Detection Configurable Input short for RTD. Input open for both RTD and Thermocouple.
Offset User adjustable with trimmer potentiometer.
Auto Calibration & System Calibration Provided from PC side application
Protection Reverse Polarity and surge with TVS diode clamp