NIPPON-1010 Universal

NIPPON-1010 Universal

NIPPON 1010Universals introduces state of art, truly universal indicator, powerful indicator with inhouse design. The UNIV1010 series is developed with state of art microcontroller. The robust hardware and software makes the indicator very useful in noisy industrial environment. The UNIV1010 finds applications in measurement of Process Parameters Temperature, Pressure, PH, Volume,
Force, Torque, Rate, Speed, Voltage and Current Signals…

Specification :

Input ONE UNIVERSAL Input Thermocouples : J,K,T,R,S RTD's : PT-100 DC mA : 0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA (Maximum 12 Volts) DC mV : ± 50 mV, ± 100 mV, ± 200 mV DC Volts : ± 1V, ± 3.3V, ± 5V, ± 10V
Range Refer 'table below'
R.T.D. PT-100 -200 to 600o C ± 1o C
THERMOCOUPLES Chromel/Alumel (K) 0 to 1300o C ± 1o C
Iron - Constantan (J) 0 to 750o C ± 1o C
Copper-Constantan (T) -200 to 350o C ± 1o C
Pt / Rh (R or S) 0 to 1700o C ± 1o C
D.C. LINEAR INPUTS 4 to 20 mA / 0 to 20 mA User Programmable ± Least count
± 50 mV, ± 100 mV, ± 200 mV User Programmable ± Least count
± 1V, ± 5V, ± 10V User Programmable ± Least count
Parameters Programmable Equations, Multiplication Factors upto 0.1
Ambient Compensation automatic, ambient 0-60 °C, for temperature inputs
Resolution 1 or 0.1 or .01 or .001 programmable
Display Super bright in 4 + 4 format , with NO BLINK programming technique
Parameter Setting • Upper 4 digits 0.5” red colour • Lower 4 digits 0.39” green colour
Password By soft touch, Elegant, Sturdy membrane keys  and User friendly menu driven software
Supply Multilevel password protection, Protection  to  individual parameters
Enclosure 90-260 VAC , 50 Hz, SMPS design 96(H) x 96(W) x 110(D) in mm, Modular design, Panel cut out 92(H) x 92(W) 72(H) x 72(W) x 110(D) in mm, Modular design, Panel cut out 68(H) x 68(W) 48(H) x 48(W) x 110(D) in mm, Modular design, Panel cut out 42(H) x 42(W) 48(H) x 96(W) x 110(D) in mm, Modular design, Panel cut out 42(H) x 92(W) 96(H) x 48(W) x 110(D) in mm, Modular design, Panel cut out 92(H) x 42(W)
Retransmission 4-20 mA or 20-4 mA or 0-20 mA or 20-0 mA programmable, Non-isolated, Retransmission assign for O/P 2 and O/P 3 Provided on request
Alarms 1 no., High / Low, Non Latchable
Communication RS485, 2-Wire, Half duplex RS485 MODBUS on request, MODBUS RTU or ASCII Baud Rate Programmable 1200/2400/4800/9600, contact factory for higher Baud Rates Options : Profibus Protocol on request Also available Customised Protocol on request
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