Nippon 4004

Nippon 4004

nippon 4004 & 4004D are unique digital ON-0FF timers. widely used in applications where accurate time control in both On & Off time is must. e.g. Lubrication Cycles, Ball mills in Paint industry, Microdozers, Augers, Cyclic Operations of Valves, Time based heating – cooling …. etc.

  • Quartz Crystal time base.
  • CMOS IC's for reliability.
  • Control of both On & Off timings.
  • Modular Design in DIN sizebox.
  • Specifications
  • Working


RANGE ON TIME = 0 to 9, 99, 999, 9999 (t)
OFF TIME = 0 to 9, 99, 999, 9999 (t) 
t = Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Fraction of Seconds.
SETTING By two sets of Thumbwheel Switches having 1, 2, 3 or 4 digits each.
OUTPUT A. Single relay (Heavy Duty) in case of cyclic mode.
B. Dual relays for sequential mode.
OUTPUT LOGIC CYCLIC MODE - Single relay will go on-off & on-off... as per the set timmings.
SEQUENTIAL MODE - Two relays will get on only for one sequence as per the 
SUPPLY 230 VAC ±10%, 50 Hz.
BOX SIZE 96 H x 96 W DIN size having modular design.
DISPLAY 4 digit bright seven segment in nippon 4004D
nippon 4004 & 4004D has got two sets of thumbwheel switches. One set is for 'ON TIME’ setting other is for 'OFF TIME' setting. As per the settings relay will get energised and denergised CYCLICALLY. E.g. ON TIME - 142 Seconds, OFF TIME = 358 Seconds. In this case relay will be energised (ON) for 142 seconds & denergised (OFF) for 358 seconds again it will get energised for 142 seconds .... cyclically it will go On & Off, On & Off .... We can also provide sequential mode. Here two relays R1 & R2 are used. R1 is on for ON TIME t1 then R2 will be on. It will remain on for ON TIME t2 . Sequence is over.
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