Nippon 6060T

Nippon 6060T

Nippon 6060T

  • 2 Limits
  • 2 Sets of 4-digit thumbwheel setting.
  • 2 Relay O/P's
  • Housed in 96 (H) X 96 (W) DIN size box.
  • Widely used in AC drivers, Centrifuges… etc
  • Specifications
  • Design Features

Proximity switch, photo sensors, voltage pulses, 60 tooth gear wheel etc.

RANGE A)150 to 9,999 R.P.M. in normal case.
B) Lower limit can be reduced by factor n if n pulses in one rotation.
C) With 60 tooth gear wheel 10 R.P.M.
DISPLAY UPDATE After every second i.e. 1 second.
DISPLAY 4 digit bright easy to read seven segment L.E.D.
PRINCIPLE P.L.L. Multipliers
SUPPLY 230 VAC ± 10%, 50 Hz.
BOX SIZE 48H x 96W x 180D in mm modular design, or 72H x 72W or 96H x 96W
PRINCIPLE An output coming from a transducer is filtered, signal conditioned and chopped. Finally it is converted into square waves. The square wave is passed through RLL multipliers. This output is gated by a precise time base generated through piezo crystals and then counted. This counts are displayed on bright LED's .... It's nothing but R.P.M. with accuracy of±1 R.P.M.!!! MEASURING RANGE A) RLL circuitry requires minimum 2.5 pulses per second i.e. 2.5 x 60 = 150 R.P.M. It's lower limit. If more than one pulse is given in one rotation then lower limit is reduced, eg if 2 pulses in one rotation than 75 R.P.M. i.e. If n pulses per rotation can give measurement of 150 * R.P.M. B) 60 tooth gear wheel can give R.P.M. upto 10.